cliff note version
Interesting & Comprehensive Material
“Just the facts, ma’am.” If you aren’t old enough to remember Dragnet, it’s what Sargent Friday would say to witnesses. It is also what we do here at SafePilot Publishing. We have created a “cliff note” version of numerous aircraft training manuals.

pertinent key points
We don’t scrimp on information
We pack all the information you need to know about an airframe into an informative, interesting and comprehensive (read short) computer based ground school. We don’t scrimp on information, we just pare it down to pertinent, key points.

important to know
Versus What is Minutiae
We surveyed students, DPE’s, instructors, big box schools (surreptitiously) the FAA, and regular pilots to ascertain what is important to know versus what is minutiae.
“Enough detail to really understand the systems without getting bogged down in useless minutia.”